Current Workout Regimen

Monday-Friday : workout for 60 mins. I do something different almost everyday. One workout example: Jumprope(10 mins) Fast pace walk(20 mins) Jog(15 mins) Burpees(5…


The first time I realized I was overweight was in 2010. It was due to the transition from high school to college. My eating…

Skin Regimen

Daily routine Wash face with a gentle cleanser *First, make sure to wash your hands with soap. Keep your hands clean at all time*….

Kiss Acne Goodbye!

First and foremost, I think it is very important to understand what skin condition you are dealing with. In my case, I dealt with…

Brend New?

Hi there, I am Brenda, also known as Bren, Brend! I am a 20 something year old gal originally from Côte d’Ivoire but born…