Hi there, I am Brenda, also known as Bren, Brend! I am a 20 something year old gal originally from Côte d’Ivoire but born in Houston.I am very passionate about sharing my hobbies. I have been wanting to blog for years but always had an excuse because I could find the time to do so. Hey, blame it on school, work, family….LIFE(sigh).
The focus of this blog is about: FOOD,FITNESS and BEAUTY(haircare). So to all my hair enthusiasts , food lovers and workout fanatics, welcome home!!!
Since starting my hair journey in 2009, and weight loss journey in 2015, I’ve been documenting them to close friends and family. Now, I am ready to share them to the world. There is a plethora of information one can find online regarding hair care, weight loss and food recipes and I know, I know, it can be overwhelming. Relax, you are now at the right place, a “brend” new place where things are simply shared.
Everything I share is based on my own personal experiences! My goal is for my readers to feel “brend new” after reading my articles. I really hope to provide well-detailed information and tips about the topics discussed previously.
I will not only limit the content of this blog on just about FOOD, FITNESS and BEAUTY. I will share my traveling , fashion, college and much MORE. Just stay tuned….