Unlock Your Voice

We often feel ashamed to tell our struggle because we are afraid to be judged. It is a blessing to share your story because you never know who it can help.

This past Saturday, January, 19th, I’ve witnessed a series of phenomenal testimonies at the Unlock Your Voice City Tour.

The Unlock Your Voice City Tour was founded by Alissa R Jones in hopes to inform, inspire and encourage those who have dealt or are currently dealing with any form of abuse.

Alissa Jones

This beautiful event was armed by strong warriors and survivors and I had the opportunity to connect with them on the red carpet.

Some of the attendees on the red carpet

Interview recap

Dorinda Walker

What advice do you have for teachers and parents that deal with children who are depressed?

Dorinda: it was 7th grade for me, when I had the turning point and started getting into trouble . My teacher at the time told me something that did not help me so I can tell you what not to do . I went from a straight A honor roll student to getting straight F’s and instead of the teacher saying what’s going on with you and calling my parents, she said to me , you’re a loser , you’ll never get to be anything! What she told me validated what I thought about myself . The biggest thing that a teacher can do is help, encourage and dig a little deeper to find out the cause of a behavior change .

Basically , build a relationship with those kids

Dorinda: yes, and if you see something wrong , talk to the parents and principal. Report it ! Those kids are struggling inside. I was beaten everyday at home . I was kicked in the stomach. I had bruises and marks on me … I was almost hit with a cast iron …I was almost killed . My teacher could have made a difference by simply questioning me.

Jacquelin Alutto – Advocate for human trafficking

What are the signs of human trafficking?

Jacquelyn : For children, it mimics what teenagers do. They’re being isolated, start getting into trouble , do drugs … etc. Their behavior changes . Unfortunately, we tell parents that they have to invade their child’s privacy because they don’t even know that they are being “groomed”. The sooner you find out the better. It is always best to prevent then deal with the consequences of human trafficking.

Alissa Jones

What a great feeling is it to bring so many powerful people share their stories with physical and or mental abuse! This is inspiring but I wanted to know if you were inspired by anyone ?

Alissa : Oprah Winfrey ! I think you can agree with that, especially with her most recent speech. I’ve always admired her from her story , where she came from… all the obstacles she had in her way and to see where she is today . I was also inspired by Maya Angelou

After the red carpet interviews, we migrated into the ballroom where a lot of emotions and stories were shared. The night started with Dawn Paul aka the Dr.Dawn who hosted the event.

Alissa Jones and The Dr.Dawn

Alissa Jones and husband Robin Jones

Alissa also celebrated her birthday that night .

Here are snippets of the event

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Poet Pace Poetry

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Some of the attendees

Poet ,Pace poetry

Radio host ,Rebekah Threlked

TV personality Miss Mykie who also shares her story dealing with alcoholism.

Radio personality , KG Smooth from Majic 102.1

I left inspired and more open minded to share my experiences with others . No one is perfect and they definitely do not look like what they’ve gone through. Every experience is a blessing or a lesson. I hope you have been inspired or educated. Spread the word, unlock your voice !

Thanks for reading ,


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