Rant time
Despite hearing many bad reviews about Spirit Airline, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. Knowing that Spirit was notorious for delays and canceled flights , I still booked a round trip from Houston to Atlanta because there is always the good and the bad in anything you choose .
The Excitement
I’ve been excited about this trip because I am off this entire week for Thanksgiving and I planned to spend time with my family in ATL. We have planned this a long time ago and I have been shopping and packing .
Bad Customer Service
Upon arrival to check in, the agent claimed that I only paid for one bag when I paid for two!!
$40/bag !
I showed her the receipt and she rolled her eyes and said “well , it only shows one here therefore I’d have to charge you the airport rate which is $50”. What the heck !!! I paid $40 per bags online(yes, it is cheaper online ,fyi) . I really wanted to ask her if she has lost her mind but I kept it cool and politely suggested that she’d get some assistance because obviously she didn’t know what to do. After 20 mins of clicking different tabs on her keyboard and pressing random things on the computer screen, she said I was set to go. I thanked her and proceeded to security.
Side note I wish I remembered her name so I could complain. The agent looked unhappy, she did not greet the passengers. You could tell the bitterness from her face .
The Flight
What can I say? I got to my destination that’s only pro! Lots of turbulence. You have to purchase beverage which I don’t really care for on domestic flights . There was no delay, that’s another pro , I guess.
Arrival to ATL
At 12:55am on Sunday , my mom and I arrived and her luggage was the first one to come out . Fifteen minutes later, mine was no where to be seen. I then went to the baggage claim and the lady informed me that my bag was checked in for Detroit. To be honest , I highly think that the agent in Houston did it on purpose . Her bad attitude and lack of professionalism support my opinion. I filled out a form they gave me the bagtag number …etc and assured me that I was going to get it the next day . I left the airport with relief, woohoo.
The Wait or Should I Say Nightmare
On Sunday, I called just to check the status but they were closed . I didn’t get it on Sunday like they promised . On Monday , I called again and the agent said that my bag was still in Detroit and it wasn’t placed on the next flight , however she was going to make sure they would place it on the evening flight and apologized. I called again around 7pm on Monday and the agent told me that she called the baggage department in Detroit and they had not seen my bag and they are still trying to locate it. Three hours later, I called again and they “confirmed ” that it was lost and I needed to wait 5 days to file a claim. Sigh!!! I had all my clothes , gifts and other valuables in that bag and the thought of it being lost made me so depressed. I could barely sleep last night . Then, I started praying and prayed St.Anthony(the saint of lost things).
I woke up at 1am and saw that a missed call and voicemail from spirit. Here it is…
I called back but no one picked up . This morning , I called again and the agent confirmed that my bag was there and I’d get it in the next 4-8hours. It has been 4 hours but I’ll wait 8 hours to give them a call back IF I don’t receive it .
I checked my email and this is what Spirit sent me today
๐๐๐ I appreciate the apology but no thanks !! I just want my luggage at this point ! I will have an update !
Tip: I am not telling you not to book with this airline but if you do, proceed with caution. Lesson: for domestic flights, try to just have a carryon or put valuable things in carryon. #trustnoOneUpdate My bag has just been delivered!! #hallelujah ! Nothing is missing !